Tag: resolution
Stick with it
The excitement of the new year has worn off and you begin to look at your resolution with more sober eyes. Old habits die hard and new ones are even harder to get going! We hope you’ve taken on the new year with all the ambition you dreamt of last December and held strong with your resolutions.
30 Day Mark
Common knowledge is that the first 30 days are the hardest, typically it takes 3 weeks for an act to become a habit so at this point you’ve made it!!! If not, then who cares! The main part of the resolution is to try something different, if it doesn’t work for you then why change yourself?
[caption id="attachment_963" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]Congratulations to those who have made it![/caption]
Some habits are good to kick, but certain things make us who we are as individuals. The best resolutions we can make are ones which help our progress in the things we love such as spending time with family or learning a new skill!
Be True to You
Everybody has their own lifestyle and inspirations, if your new year was dedicated to drinking less coffee but you have trouble staying alert through your day then maybe you need a revision.
[caption id="attachment_964" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Everybody's weakness ...[/caption]
Check out our inspirations on out Pinterest page, we frequently share interesting and inspiring articles on everything from interiors to Asian cuisine.
Our Point Being…
Don’t force yourself to change, if you’re shabby chic furniture or a contemporary piece, stay as you are. The best outcome here is that you’re looking good for Valentine’s day and now can return to not caring about the long term. Enjoy today … Enjoy caffeine and fast food.
Make 2017 yours! Fern xx
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