Our prices are extremely competitive, but if you find exactly the same product and service being sold more cheaply from other UK High Street retailer, we’ll match their price. If you find it within 7 days of purchasing from us, we’ll refund the difference, no questions asked.Find out more
Quality Guarantee
All our products are carefully sourced from manufacturers who share our commitment to quality, durability and value. We commit to providing excellent customer care, and go beyond standard design and finishes to fit your unique requirements.Read testimonials
Let us know if you’d like to change the size, colour, finish or fabric of our French-style furniture – or even a piece you already own. Our team is here to help. We’ll apply the best quality paints, and can even use your own fabric if you wish. Some alterations can be done free, while others incur a competitive charge.
Free Finish Samples
To check the colour and help you visualise how our furniture will appear in your room, you can order unlimited samples of whichever finishes you are considering. We’ll send your samples by 1st class post, at absolutely no cost to you.Order samples